Practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine


Silke Burkart


Heilpraktikerin * Biologist






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TCM is valuable for women, men, children and babies - from very young to very old

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be valuable for women, men, children and babies – for anybody from birth to old age.

and children are treated with regard to their unique anatomy and physiology. Acupuncture as well as tuina has specific ways and rules for treatment of our youngest. For babies and toddlers mostly children-Tuina-massage is used as therapy.

For the treatment of elderly people mostly tonifying and mobilizing methods are applied. Acupuncture and tuina are therefore used in a very gentle way with the objective to enhance flexibility of joints and muscles, regulate digestion and stabilize the blood circulation.

Many patients enjoy the fact that during a tuina massage the patient stays fully clothed and is covered with a thin cotton towel. It can be enjoyed sitting or lying down.





Silke Burkart © 2018 •

Practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine * Silke Burkart Heilpraktikerin
T 069-25713994 * please call ahead for appointment * Sophienstr. 29a * 60487 Frankfurt am Main - Bockenheim